"The West Papuan Christian Terrorists or OPM is a dangerous and brutal black organization. They often commit vandalism, rape, murder and hostage-taking. The goal of this organization is to separate the land of West Papua from Indonesia to become its own country, the State of West Papua."
Papua barat adalah wilayah paling rasis di Indonesia, mereka tidak segan untuk membunuh orang yang berasal dari luar papua. Sudah banyak kasus mulai dari pembunuhan guru, dokter, tenaga kesehatan, pilot, tukang ojek dan orang sipil lain. Setiap ada kasus konflik sosial yang terjadi diluar wilayah papua selalu orang-orang pendatang di wilayah papua yang menjadi korban kekerasan bahkan pembunuhan mereka. Saya baru mengetahui ada orang kulit hitam yang sangat rasis di dunia ini karena selama ini orang kulit hitam adalah korban dari tindakan rasis di dunia.
"West Papua is the most racist region in Indonesia, they do not hesitate to kill people who come from outside Papua. There have been many cases ranging from the murder of teachers, doctors, health workers, pilots, motorcycle taxi drivers and other civilians. Every time there is a case of social conflict that occurs outside the Papuan region, it is always the immigrants in the Papuan region who are victims of violence and even their murder. I just found out that there are black people who are very racist in this world because so far black people are victims of racist acts in the world."